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    To follow the law is the basic criterion of modern people


    Three words second language

    Author/Yun yuan Bao



    Maybe is the arrangement of the heaven, maybe is the inevitable phenomenon of the trend of The Times, may be good prevails over evil laws, long suffering dictators against "housing industry 500" miracle "alive", but also to the siege dictator of the world's trend of The Times, such as to China's economic crisis shows, etc. To 1 billion people eager to modern national storms of life.

    Therefore, it is urgent to publicize the advanced nature and importance of the 500-year housing industry, publicize the actual income of 1 billion people and publicize the effective measures to resist the economic crisis, which will inevitably make the liars have no place to hide.

    As a matter of fact, the management method in the modern industrial, technological and economic era is extremely simple. As long as production and creation are developed in strict accordance with the law and one billion people are ensured to live a moderately prosperous life in modern times (each person's annual income is over 100,000 yuan), all social conflicts will be naturally relieved.

    Moreover, in the face of a great opportunity of scientific and technological revolution leading the world housing industrial revolution, in any case, it must stand the test of The Times and the test of history.


    To follow the law is the basic

    criterion of modern people

    To make a long story short

    Why is it that the core technology of the housing industry for 500 years, "ultra-high pressure single screw extruder", is so advanced and important that it is obvious, but there has not been a successful imitator since it was invented 15 years ago?


    In fact, similar phenomenon can be seen everywhere, all the cutting-edge industry chain manufacturing technology is not easy to imitate the characteristics. For example: special materials, high-end machine tools, high-end bearings, advanced engines, precision instruments and meters, and so on.

    This suggests three things:

    The 500-year housing industry needs more than 10 years to cultivate composite scientific and technological talents in the style of "sweeping waves and sand", so as to take root, blossom and bear fruit in the Chinese nation. Otherwise, all the efforts of the country will be of no avail.

    The inventor of the housing industry for 500 years has been 70 years old, how can he complete the teaching of manufacturing technology of the industrial chain in more than 10 years?

    No matter how important the traditional habit of putting politics above all else may be, the race against time to save the 500-year-old housing industry is of Paramount importance. Otherwise, in any case, it can not stand the test of The Times and the test of history, and will eventually be the sinner of the Chinese nation!

    What's more, China's current economic crisis has entered a white-hot state, only 500 years can the housing industry truly realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Therefore, adopt special way to rescue, the development of 500 years of housing industry, is the most basic common sense routine!

    In fact, it was a big mistake!


    It is a major crime for a leader to "avoid serious matters"!

    Yun yuan Bao

    This year's "two sessions" are unusual, in the face of

    1 billion people's complaints: business operators lost money in debt; Industrial workers lost a large number of jobs; The price of living goods is soaring... . In theory, leaders attending the two sessions should focus on analyzing the root causes of China's deep manufacturing slump and on major measures to combat the economic crisis.

    But the fact is disappointing, no practical, feasible, effective major proposals. For example: how to solve the industrial and agricultural industry labor post after no one disaster phenomenon? How to improve the productivity and creativity of all walks of life? How to effectively guarantee the modern life of 1 billion people?

    More ridiculous is "easy" phenomenon emerge in endlessly, talk nonsense everywhere, and even appeared "suggested to cancel the call display fee", "suggested change the way a handshake etiquette" frivolous "advice", fully shows that China's leadership ethos corrupted, serious lack of the practical work, do business, the ability to do great things,

    is the total of all the disaster.

    As a matter of fact, human society has entered an era of industrial, scientific and technological economy, and the level of production and creativity of goods and materials for social life is highly developed, enough to meet the needs of one billion people (each with an annual income of over 100,000 yuan). With the talent and ability of the Chinese people, we are fully capable of achieving the highest living standards in the world.


    So, it is imperative that cleared hear big leaders, abandoned completely pointless to 1 billion people "club," doctrine, strictly follow the rules of industrial science and technology development of the economy, give full play to their role as the industry the backbone of the elite of workers and peasants, give full play to the housing industry's leading role in 500, give full play to the scale of the big manufacturing advantages, when a local firm to achieve the world's largest, richest, most of the Chinese nation! ! !






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